Wah, cuti sekolah dah nak habis tak lama lagi. Selamat datang 2012 :)
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Posted by ALTIMA0711 at 6:19 AM 2 comments
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Doakan kami untuk paper last.
Pendidikan Quran Sunnah.
Teknologi Kejuruteraan.
Sayang ALTIMA selalu :)
Posted by ALTIMA0711 at 1:21 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
peace be upon you! |
kami warga ALTIMA0711
AT :
ingin memohon maaf atas segala salah dan silap sepanjang kami.
AH + AC :
bukan kerana SPM tetapi kerana Allah menyarankan kita agar sentiasa membersihkan dosa.. dosa kepada Allah TAUBAT NASUHA jawabnya.. Dosa kepada manusia, perlulah kita memohon maaf sesama kita.. dalam jalan menuntut ilmu, maksiat dan dosa tidak boleh bersama, hati yang gelap kerana dosa tidak akan disinari oleh cahaya ilmu. Sesungguhnya Allah akan permudahkan jalan ke syurga bagi mereka yang menuntut ilmu.. Menuntut Ilmu satu JIHAD jangan kita mudah mengalah.. bersamalah kita muslimin embangunkan masyarakat islam dunia!
kami juga ingin memohon jasa baik anda semua pembaca untuk mendoakan kejayaan kami
kejayaan ini dapat kita nimati bersama ibu bapa, keluarga, sekolah dll.. doa merupakan senjata mukmin syaratnya kita mestilah yakin akan Allah yang menentukan segala sesuatu.. setelah kita BERUSAHA denga bersungguh-sungguh, jgan kita lupa kejayaan ialah kurniaan Allah maka perlulah kita BERDOA kepadaNYA agar permudahkan dan berkati segala usaha kita.. IKHTIARkn cara2 lain utk mencapai kejayaan, jgn harapkn guru2 shaja.. seterusnya BERTAWAKKAL kpd ALLAH.. kerana Allah Maha Mengetahui dan Maha Bijaksana, apakah perkara yg terbaik buat hambanya yang lemah ini..
Kepada Guru2..
terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kami ucapkan.
terima kasih kerana sanggup berkorban masa, tenaga, ruang dan segala yang lain2..
perngorbanan seorang guru mmg tidak dinafikan.. "hampir2 seorang guru itu menjadi seorang nabi"
itulah tanggungjawab seorang guru menyebarkan ilmu, mengajar, mendidik anak2 muridnya..
Semoga Allah sentiasa memberi rahmat kasihnya kepada insan yang bernama guru..
minta maaf juga Cikgu!
minta maaf kerana kami selalu Tertidur dalam kelas, lambat siapkan kerja sekolah atau x siap langsung.
x tumpu perhatian dlm kelas.. terkata belakang ke.. harap2 cikgu maafkn kami. InsyaALLAH kami akan sentiasa mendoakan kebahagiaan cikgu2 semua di dunia dan di akhirat. kami minta bimbingan dan tunjuk ajar lagi.. halalkan segala ilmu yang telah cikgu ajarkan kpd kami dgn penuh kesabaran.
UM : jangan hentikan usaha murni selagi kita tidak dapat hasilnya [William Shakespeare]
AT :
terus kuatkan usaha! manfaatkn baki2 masa yang ada.. ajar2lah rakan lain, kerana mengajar juga merupakan suatu sedekah dan Allah akan membantu kita dan berkati ilmu kita yg hanya dipinjamkn olehnya!
Posted by Anaslah at 11:51 AM
Monday, August 29, 2011
peace be upon you! |
sekarang dah tiba di penghujung Ramadhan..
sbb kita tahuh iman boleh bertambah dn berkurang, salah satu cara mcm mana nk pastikan iman kita terpelihara ialah dengan mahasabah diri di samping rajin berbuat amal kebajikan..
lebih2 lagi kita yang nk amik SPM ni kan.. jadi hubungan dgn Allah mesti rapat! hubungan sesama manusia pun kene jage, jgn gaduh dan jgn nk bercinta-cinta plak! it's not the time yet..
kita kene selalu igt.. tanggungjawab utama kita sekarang ini ialah sebagai
Posted by Anaslah at 9:57 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Altima Selamanya.
Posted by ALTIMA0711 at 4:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Saya dan H =]
Essay Test Taking Tips
Preparing for an essay test exam requires a different type of methodology as compared to the other tests. One of the most important is getting organized: the examinees need to collect their notes and other resources that will be needed for the study so that they can concentrate on the task at hand be productive. The examinee should ensure that they have been taking good notes in class so that they have the right type of material to study. The examinee needs also to identify and understand the major points that their instructors emphasized in class as they may develop the essay test questions from these areas.
The examinees should then begin an exam review. This entails the prediction and formulation of different types of essay questions. Some of these questions are available in different sources such as textbooks’ boldface and the examinees can turn them into questions by use of various key words like explain, define and describe. The other source is the course outline which will contain the various topics in the course. The other sources of these questions are the end-of-chapter discussions and brainstorming with fellow students.
Once the questions have been formulated, the examinees need to create a study sheet for each. They should then review their lecture notes, textbooks and study guides in order to record the relevant material for each question to be used when answering the questions.
Tips and Tactics on How to Succeed On the Test
Apart from being prepared, there are additional tips that the examinees can apply in order to succeed.
- They should read the directions properly and carefully in order to know what they are required to do.
- Ensure that they have understood what the question is asking them and if not, they should ask their instructors.
- Budgeting their time is very important because it will allow them to spend adequate time on each easy question and enable them provide adequate materials as required.
- It is recommended that they make an outline before they start their essay as this will enable them to come with a more fluid and organized essay.
- When writing, they should not focus on long introductions and conclusions as this will take a lot of their time.
- It is imperative to focus on one idea per paragraph.
Posted by ALTIMA0711 at 3:45 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 10, 2011
Posted by ALTIMA0711 at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Fatin Atheerah
Monday, June 6, 2011
Posted by ALTIMA0711 at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: Fatin Atheerah
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
35 Petua Pelajar Cemerlang dari Dr Fadzilah Kamsah
Posted by ALTIMA0711 at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: Saya dan H =]